Well, spring and summer are always busy times for re-dos. I love this time of the year because I get the awesome privilege of getting to "play" in peoples homes and businesses and do my thing. Lately, I have been busy in the workshop and on location so here is a sprinkling of some of the projects I have been working on...

on left is a peek of the sky view on ceiling, and on right is a paper mache' hot air balloon accent by the window. Below is a full view of the wall with windows, where I did the dimensional striping and the painted window frames, Carrie Murtha is the homeowner and an artist herself. She did all of the painting on the furniture and put all the accents in the room. She is so much fun to work with and always gives me super fun projects to do in her Amazing home.
Baby Nursery for "Baby Bear Murtha" 2013
beginning of a mural project I am working on
with students of mine, so much fun:)
I have somehow in the land of technology "lost" the before picture of this bathroom vanity, but if I can paint a picture for you, it was just PLAIN, as in PLAIN UGLY. It was natural oak cabinetry and a beige vanity, and plain walls, and a square mirror with no frame as was installed by the builder. So, the solution to add a little liveliness to this area was to paint and renew the vanity to look like poured concrete, add a wood wall, new antique mirror, and bronze sink and hardware. I also found the "coolest" HAND towel holder. I loved it so much I bought two and the other one will go in the Mini Bar Transformation, if you are following that post.
Base coat layer |
faux layer |
finished view |
close up of faux |
BLUE GRASS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION is first of all an incredible non-profit organization that I can totally get behind. The people there are wonderful and their mission and their cause is so cool. Their mission statement is DO GOOD. They pair up generous donors with charitable causes that are close to their heart and most of the monies stay local and impact our community in a positive way. Anyone can set up a donor account there, and they will match you up with causes important to you. So it was a great experience to get to work on their space under the design on the GREAT and SUPER COOL Blake Eames from BLAKE EAMES DESIGN. My part was the striped walls that served to bring together this very long corridor of a space.
entry view |
entry to the right |
middle wall |
close up of stripe pattern |
back wall and entry to kitchen |
Teaching Students and sharing my love of art has become a big part of my days and weeks, I have found that it is an area that is lacking in our culture. Not too many art teachers out there, outside of schools, and in schools, it is a low priority. I have met so many wonderful art lovers who seem to thirst for this outlet. These are a few of my talented students and some of their recent work.
I have lots of other projects in the works that need updating, but don't have final pictures yet. So stay tuned, Until we meet again.
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