It always amazes me how God weaves people in and out of our lives, and some stay put and some come and go, and some only visit for a short time. I think they all offer me something or teach me something. I always feel changed and my life magnified by all of them, but most recently, I met a wonderful man who I will call "Charlie", who I only had about 4 conversations with, but all of them memorable and I know I will never forget his words. He is an older gentleman, sweet, very kind, and wise, but also a lot like me I came to know. Only difference is that he has lived a lot longer than me and was able to provide me with an insight that only he could have gained from time..... In his later years, as so many people do, they like to reflect on those who have gone before them, and they are aware of the limitation of their time here on earth, so they take it all in. I was painting this mural for him which will be a memorial wall where around the border, pictures will hang of lost loved ones and friends, and his inspiration to do it was an old hymn called Beyond the Sunset, and then there is a poem that also is titled the same and as he shared that with me, I realized how much it meant to me to be there right then, right now at this time in my life, and it reminded me to slow down and take the time to enjoy those people and those relationships around me. I seem to find myself in this rat race to get to the end of my life, but also struggling to hold onto my youth and keep my kids little at the same time. At the end of our time together, he was very moved by the painting and said he couldn't thank me enough, and that he didn't have the words for what this painting meant to him, but what is funny is that I felt exactly the same. I can't say thank you enough or know the words to say to the people who cross my path who let me express through art what I cannot say.
Beyond the Sunset
Should you go first and I remain to walk the road alone
Ill live in memory's garden dear with memories that we've known
In spring I'll wait for roses red, when fades the lilacs bloom,
And in early fall when brown leaves fall, I'll catch a glimpse of you
Should you go first and I remain, for battles to be fought
Each thing you've touched along the way will be a hallowed spot
I'll hear your voice, I'll see your smile though blindly I may grope
the memory of your helping hand will buoy me on with hope
Beyond the sunset, oh blissful morning
When with our savior, heaven is begun
Earth's toiling ended, oh glory dawning
Beyond the sunset when day is done
Should you go first and I remain, to finish with the scroll,
No lessening shadows shall ever creep in to make this life seem droll
We've known so much of happiness, we've had our cup of joy,
And memory is one gift of God that death cannot destroy
I want to know each step you take that I may walk the same
For someday down that lonely road, you'll hear me call your name
Should you go first and I remain, one thing I'll have you do
Walk slowly down that long long path, for soon I'll follow you
In that fair homeland, we'll know no parting
Beyond the sunset for Ever more.
Until we meet again,
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