Monday, March 11, 2013

Artist for Hire

It has always been my intent to use my passion for art for good.  I started to develop it as a business because I thought I could make a living doing so.  While it has provided me a lot of opportunities to give of my time and talents, and make a little money, it has also taught me that a large majority of people do not have any understanding or appreciation for art or artists.  The people who understand the time involved and the sacrifice that an artist makes to live their craft are other artists.  I decided to posts this on my blog only to enlighten and educate.  DISCLAIMER:  If this sounds like a rant, that is because it is, so if you don't want to hear it, you can stop reading now.

1. You LOVE their work.
2. You think their work would compliment your home or decor.
3. You trust them to create a quality piece of work.
4. You value them enough to pay them what you yourself would expect to be paid for the same amount of time away from your family working.
5. You think of buying their work as an investment.
6. You would buy their work whether you knew them or not.

1. You think they Will gladly give their services, ideas, and goods to you for pennies because it will be for a good cause. (I have a number of charities and groups of MY OWN CHOICE that I freely and regularly give to, so if I have not contacted you, you are not one of them!)

2. You Think that hiring a local artist will be cheaper than buying a manufactured item from china that has been made by slaves who are paid nothing.

3. If you have ADHD and have tendencies to constantly change your mind about what you want.

4. If you pity artists and only buy from them because you think they need the money, but know their artwork will end up in your garage sale or at goodwill.( please don't bother, this is the highest insult)

5. If you regularly order things that you do not have the money to pay for.

6. You want a piece of artwork that you have seen, but cannot afford, so you want to find an artist who seems more desperate and will do it for less.  It is unethical to copy another artists work and profit from it.

7. You think that because they are more talented than you, they can just "whip it out" in a moment and at a moment's notice for very little money. Artists by and large are not aloof and drugged up daydreamers like most sterotypes would have you believe.  Most artists spend a lot of time planning, measuring, and sketching, doing prep work, etc. before you ever see the final product.  There is literally no such thing as "whipping it out".

8. You think that your request will give them some good experience, therefore, they should not expect to be paid much.  ( I have more ideas of things I want to accomplish and do than I have years left to do them, so I don't need to spend time working for free to get that experience, I would rather be doing my own projects for free.)

That's all. 

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