Friday, June 29, 2012

To be truly inspired...

INspire, inspired, inspiring; Webster's Dictionary defines the word "To breathe into, to fill with breath, to animate. I LOVE this definition because often I hear that word, and I even say it quite a bit, but what it FEELS like to be truly inspired is to me like what the ground must feel like under your feet right before an earthquake starts to happen. I get the rumblings of something coming, and is as if, God leans in and whispers to me "Are you ready for this? Cause, I've got somethin' for ya". Then here it comes, 1000 beautiful wonderful surging ideas , notes, colors, expressions, pictures, scents, and feelings, all crashing over me like a wave. In my dizziness, I try to right myself and focus on one thing, but I want to do it all, make it all, use it all. In that moment, I feel rich beyond measure at what I have just been given. Then. Silence. Until the next wave hits. This is to me what it feels like to be truly inspired, and it happens to me once or twice a day. So, I was just wondering if it only happens to me that way? Share with me how you are truly inspired...

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure that I will ever have the inspiration that you have. I enjoy your blog and you inspire me! There is nothing that you cant accomplish or no one that you dont stop to help. People like you Inspire me!!
